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How Does Scouting Work?

In Cub Scouting, you and your family join in on the program with your child, and you will help them along the way. Cub Scouts have a different handbook at each grade level, with adventures that are age-appropriate for their developmental level. As your child advances through these books by working on adventures, they will earn badges and other recognition that they wear on their uniform. As your child grows in Cub Scouting, your role will change with them, from hands-on involvement to guiding and coaching. At least one parent or guardian is required to be with their Scout for every meeting and event. 


Den Meetings

Dens are groups of children, all in the same grade. Most of your Scouting activities take place in the Dens of 4 to 8 Scouts. Den meetings are held 2 - 3 times per month, on days and times chosen by each Den. The location will vary and may be indoors or outdoors. The Scouts meet under the direction of a Den Leader, a parent volunteer, who plans activities to help the Cub Scouts through their adventures with the goal of completing their rank requirements. 

Pack Meetings

The Cub Scout Pack is made up of all the Dens, which meet monthly at the Pack Meeting, led by the Cubmaster. There are games, skits, songs, ceremonies, and presentations of achievements and badges that Cub Scouts earned during that month. Pack Meetings are held monthly at various locations depending on the activity. 

Activities & Events

While Den and Pack meetings occur only when school is in session, Pack 38 plans activities all year. These are not mandatory, and usually take place on Saturdays. These range from cake baking contests, visits to places like local historical sites and police stations, and hikes in local parks.  And we camp at least twice per year.

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